Parlez-vous Francais?
You'll find all you need here to learn the "language of love!"
This exceptional site by BBC offers French instruction for beginners to
intermediates. Explore the Introduction to French section -- learn the French
alphabet and phrases, or discover facts about the French language and culture.
Where is French spoken? What should you NOT say or do in French culture? What
should you do to be polite?
Sign up for a step-by-step interactive course to learn French. It's complete
with weekly e-mail tips and encouragement. Or, take a French video course,
explore the Cool French section -- a guide to young French people's slang,
or try out the French crosswords.
Along the way, you'll have access to grammar tips, pronunciation help and
a vocabulary list. The site also includes a helpful link to a French dictionary
(English-to-French and French-to-English).
Check in daily for the phrase of the day. You can also test your French
or watch French TV.