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Massage Therapist

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Money & Outlook



North Dakota Earnings

Average Annual Wage


Entry Annual Wage


Experienced Annual Wage


Average Hourly Wage


Entry Hourly Wage


Experienced Hourly Wage


Median Hourly Wage


North Dakota Regional Earnings

North Dakota Metropolitan Areas Wages

Region Average Entry Level Experienced
Bismarck MSA $43,830 or $21.07/hr $22,160 or $10.65/hr $78,720 or $37.85/hr
Fargo ND-MN MSA $59,860 or $28.78/hr $31,970 or $15.37/hr $82,950 or $39.88/hr

North Dakota's Employment and Outlook (State-wide)

Outlook Stable
Growth rate is estimated to be 14%
Job Openings 43 estimated annual job openings
Employment 271 were employed in this occupation

North Dakota's Regional Employment and Outlook

Regions with stable outlook (0 to 20% growth rate expected)

Region Employment Projected Growth Rate Annual Openings (growth) Annual Openings (replacement) Annual Openings
Region 2 24 0% 4 4
Region 4 33 15% 4 4
Region 5 117 20% 2 17 19
Region 6 17 6% 2 2
Region 7 50 18% 1 8 9
Region 8 11 9% 2 2

National Earnings

Average Annual Wage


Average Hourly Wage


Average Annual Range

$32,240 to $95,700

Note: variations in salaries reflect differences in size of firm, location, level of education and professional credentials.

Where do these numbers come from?

National Employment and Outlook

Outlook increasing
  The employment change from 2022 to 2032 is estimated to be +18%.
(The National average for all occupations is +3%)
Job Openings very small number
  A total of 2200 average annual openings are expected for this occupation between 2022 and 2032.
(The National Average for all occupations is 1,670 openings)
Employment small occupation
  This was a small occupation in the United States, employing 134,300 workers in 2022.
(The National average for all occupations is 147,916 workers)
Growth Much faster than average growth
  Continued growth in the demand for massage services will lead to new jobs for massage therapists. Not only does massage help relieve stress and increase relaxation, but it is also becoming more accepted as a natural and safe treatment method for managing pain. Demand for massage therapists is expected to increase as more people look to massage to maintain overall health and well-being. 
Non Traditional Occupation This is a non-traditional occupation for men in 2023.
Self-Employment In 2022, 34.6% of the people in this occupation were self-employed.
Industries Large concentrations of this occupation are found in these industries
  • Self-employed workers (34.6%)
  • Other Services (except Public Administration) (NAICS810000) (33.2%)
  • Personal care services (NAICS812100) (33.1%)
  • Health care and social assistance (NAICS620000) (23.2%)
  • Ambulatory health care services (NAICS621000) (22.5%)
  • Offices of other health practitioners (NAICS621300) (21%)
  • Offices of all other health practitioners (NAICS621390) (12.2%)
  • Offices of chiropractors (NAICS621310) (7.4%)