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Ophthalmic Medical Technician

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1-2 years post-secondary training

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What To Learn

High School

What high school courses should you take if you're interested in this career? Get your answers from the Health Science cluster Therapeutic Services pathway.

Beyond High School

Here's a list of programs that you should consider if you're interested in this career:

Education Level

Education training and experience are required at different levels for success in different occupations.

One to two years post-secondary training

Ophthalmic medical technicians typically need a postsecondary certificate to enter the occupation.

Insider Info

Additional Information

Programs for medical assistants can be found at vocational-technical high schools, post-secondary vocational schools, community and junior colleges, and universities. Post-secondary programs generally last one or two years.

The Committee on Accreditation for Ophthalmic Medical Personnel accredits 15 programs in ophthalmic medical assisting.

The Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology certifies ophthalmic medical personnel. Certified ophthalmic assistants (COAs) are the basic assistants in the field. The intermediate level is certified ophthalmic technician (COT) and the most advanced level is certified ophthalmic medical technologist (COMT).